An arbitrary precision integer library for C++.
No Matches
bi::bi_t Member List

This is the complete list of members for bi::bi_t, including all inherited members.

abs(const bi_t &value)bi::bi_trelated
bi_t() noexceptbi::bi_t
bi_t(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
bi_t(bi_t &&other) noexceptbi::bi_t
bi_t(const std::string &, int base=10) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_texplicit
bi_t(const char *, int base=10) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_texplicit
bi_t(double) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
bit_length() const noexceptbi::bi_t
capacity() const noexceptbi::bi_t
digits() constbi::bi_t
div(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
even() const noexceptbi::bi_t
negate() noexceptbi::bi_t
negative() const noexceptbi::bi_t
odd() const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator bool() const noexceptbi::bi_texplicit
operator double() const noexcept (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_texplicit
operator T() const noexceptbi::bi_texplicit
operator!=(double) const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator!= (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tfriend
operator""_bi(const char *s)bi::bi_trelated
operator%(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator%=(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
operator&(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator&=(const bi_t &) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator*(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator*=(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
operator+() const (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator+(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator++() (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator++(int) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator+=(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
operator-() const (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator-(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator--() (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator--(int) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator-=(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
operator/(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator/=(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
operator<(double) const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator< (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tfriend
operator<<(bi_bitcount_t shift) constbi::bi_t
operator<<=(bi_bitcount_t shift) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator<=(double) const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator<= (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tfriend
operator<=>(const bi_t &) const noexcept (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator<=>(T) const noexcept (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator=(const bi_t &)bi::bi_t
operator=(bi_t &&other) noexceptbi::bi_t
operator=(const std::string &) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator=(const char *) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator=(double) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator==(const bi_t &) const noexcept (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator==(T) const noexcept (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator==(double) const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator== (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tfriend
operator>(double) const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator> (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tfriend
operator>=(double) const noexceptbi::bi_t
operator>= (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tfriend
operator>>(bi_bitcount_t shift) constbi::bi_t
operator>>=(bi_bitcount_t shift) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator^(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator^=(const bi_t &) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator|(const bi_t &) constbi::bi_t
operator|=(const bi_t &) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t
operator~() constbi::bi_t
pow(const bi_t &base, bi_bitcount_t exp) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tstatic
pow(const bi_t &base, const bi_t &exp) (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_tstatic
print_internal(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const noexceptbi::bi_t
sign() const noexceptbi::bi_t
size() const noexceptbi::bi_t
swap(bi_t &) noexceptbi::bi_t
swap(bi_t &a, bi_t &b) noexceptbi::bi_trelated
test_bit(bi_bitcount_t) const noexceptbi::bi_t
to_string(int base=10) constbi::bi_t
within() const noexceptbi::bi_t
~bi_t()=default (defined in bi::bi_t)bi::bi_t