An arbitrary precision integer library for C++.
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bi::bi_t Class Reference

Arbitrary-precision integer type and related functions. More...

#include "bi.hpp"

Public Member Functions

 bi_t () noexcept
 Default constructor. The integer is initialized to zero and no memory allocation occurs.
template<std::integral T>
 bi_t (T)
 Constructor for integral types.
 bi_t (const bi_t &)
 Copy constructor.
 bi_t (bi_t &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor. After the move, other is left in a valid state representing the integer 0.
Construct from a string

Construct an integer from a string representing a base-base integer. These are explicit constructors.

std::invalid_argumentThrows if a parsing error occurs, if a null pointer is provided, or if an invalid base is provided.

Allows leading whitespace and/or a plus/minus sign before the first base-base digit. base must be an integer in \( [2, 36] \) (by default, it is 10).


bi_t a{"98765"}; // 98765
bi_t b{"-98765"}; // -98765
bi_t c{" -6789"}; // -6789
bi_t empty{""}; // Throws std::invalid_argument
bi_t nll{nullptr}; // Throws std::invalid_argument
bi_t invalid{" -"}; // Throws std::invalid_argument
Arbitrary-precision integer type and related functions.
Definition bi.hpp:52
bi_t() noexcept
Default constructor. The integer is initialized to zero and no memory allocation occurs.
Definition bi.cpp:81
 bi_t (const std::string &, int base=10)
 bi_t (const char *, int base=10)
 bi_t (double)
Assignment operators
bi_toperator= (const bi_t &)
 Copy assignment operator.
bi_toperator= (bi_t &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator. After the move, other is left in a valid state representing the integer 0.
template<std::integral T>
bi_toperator= (T)
 Assign a builtin integral type value to a bi_t.
bi_toperator= (const std::string &)
bi_toperator= (const char *)
bi_toperator= (double)
Unary operators
bi_t operator+ () const
bi_t operator- () const
Increment and decrement
bi_toperator++ ()
bi_t operator++ (int)
bi_toperator-- ()
bi_t operator-- (int)
Multiplicative operators
bi::division_by_zeroThrows if a division by zero attempt is detected.
bi_t operator* (const bi_t &) const
bi_t operator/ (const bi_t &) const
bi_t operator% (const bi_t &) const
bi_toperator*= (const bi_t &)
bi_toperator/= (const bi_t &)
bi_toperator%= (const bi_t &)
std::pair< bi_t, bi_tdiv (const bi_t &) const
 Computes both the quotient and remainder of division of this bi_t object by another bi_t object and returns both the quotient and the remainder as a pair.
Additive operators
bi_t operator+ (const bi_t &) const
bi_t operator- (const bi_t &) const
bi_toperator+= (const bi_t &)
bi_toperator-= (const bi_t &)
Shift operators
Prior to the C++20 Standard, the behavior of << and >> is undefined or implementation-defined if the left operand is negative. In contrast, the C++20 Standard defines the behavior of << and >> for both negative and nonnegative left operands. This implementation conforms to the C++20 Standard (except for any wrap-around behavior, as the bi_t is not a fixed-width integer) and makes the result of << equivalent to \( x \times 2^{shift} \) and the result of >> equivalent to \( \left\lfloor \frac{x}{2^{\text{shift}}} \right\rfloor \).
shiftAn unsigned long representing the number of bit positions to shift by.
bi_t operator<< (bi_bitcount_t shift) const
 Return a new integer representing the integer left-shifted shift bit positions with vacated bits zero-filled.
bi_t operator>> (bi_bitcount_t shift) const
 Return a new integer representing the integer right-shifted shift bit positions. This is an arithmetic right shift with sign extension.
bi_toperator<<= (bi_bitcount_t shift)
bi_toperator>>= (bi_bitcount_t shift)
std::strong_ordering operator<=> (const bi_t &) const noexcept
bool operator== (const bi_t &) const noexcept
Comparisons with integral types

Efficient comparison between bi_ts and any standard integral type T, with no implicit conversions from Ts to bi_ts (and hence no memory allocation).

template<std::integral T>
std::strong_ordering operator<=> (T) const noexcept
template<std::integral T>
bool operator== (T) const noexcept
Comparisons with floats

Compare a bi_t to a floating-point number.

These member functions handle the case where a bi_t is on the left-hand side (LHS) and a double is on the right-hand side (RHS). There are also non-member functions that facilitate comparisons where the double is on the LHS.

These comparisons are designed to be consistent with IEEE 754, handling special cases like NaNs and infinities.


  • Operators ==, <, <=, >, and >= return false when comparing with NaN.
  • Operator != returns true when comparing with NaN.


  • Positive infinity is treated as greater than any bi_t number.
  • Negative infinity is treated as less than any bi_t number.
The spaceship operator (<=>) is not used here due to the unordered nature of NaN in IEEE 754. Instead, each comparison operator is explicitly defined to handle NaN appropriately. In comparisons of bi_ts with bi_ts and bi_ts with integral types, the spaceship operator is used, which, combined with operator==, implicitly allows comparisons using ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=, both when a bi_t is on the LHS and on the RHS. Here, in order to handle NaN appropriately, we explicitly define all of ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=, both for when a bi_t is on the LHS and RHS.
bool operator== (double) const noexcept
bool operator!= (double) const noexcept
bool operator< (double) const noexcept
bool operator<= (double) const noexcept
bool operator> (double) const noexcept
bool operator>= (double) const noexcept
Bitwise operators
These operators perform bitwise operations on integers using two's complement representation (with sign extension).
bi_t operator~ () const
 Unary complement operator. Return a new integer representing the ones' complement of this integer.
bi_t operator& (const bi_t &) const
bi_t operator| (const bi_t &) const
bi_t operator^ (const bi_t &) const
bi_toperator&= (const bi_t &)
bi_toperator|= (const bi_t &)
bi_toperator^= (const bi_t &)
Conversion operators
 operator bool () const noexcept
 true if and only if this integer is nonzero.
template<std::integral T>
 operator T () const noexcept
 Converts a bi_t object to an integral type T.
 operator double () const noexcept
bi_bitcount_t bit_length () const noexcept
 If nonzero, return the number of bits required to represent its absolute value. Otherwise (i.e. the integer is zero), return 0.
bool test_bit (bi_bitcount_t) const noexcept
 Test bit i, acting as if the integer is nonnegative.
bi_tset_bit (bi_bitcount_t)
 Set bit i, acting as if the integer is nonnegative, but preserving its original sign in the result.
Accessors for internal representation
size_t capacity () const noexcept
 Return the number of digits the allocated storage can hold.
size_t size () const noexcept
 Return the number of digits used. Instance represents 0 iff size() == 0.
bool negative () const noexcept
 Return true if the integer is (strictly) negative, false otherwise.
std::span< const digit > digits () const
 Return a read-only span of the digits stored in the internal digit vector, with least significant digits first. If the integer is zero, an empty span is returned.
void print_internal (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const noexcept
void swap (bi_t &) noexcept
 Swap the contents of this bi_t object with another bi_t object.
std::string to_string (int base=10) const
 Return a string containing the base-base representation of the integer, where base must be an integer in \( [2, 36] \) (by default, base is 10).
void negate () noexcept
 Negates the integer in place.
int sign () const noexcept
 Return an int indicating the sign of the number: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, 1 for positive.
bool odd () const noexcept
 Return true if this integer is odd, false otherwise.
bool even () const noexcept
 Return true if this integer is even, false otherwise.
template<std::integral T>
bool within () const noexcept
 Return true if this integer fits in an integral type T, false otherwise.

Static Public Member Functions

static bi_t pow (const bi_t &base, bi_bitcount_t exp)
static bi_t pow (const bi_t &base, const bi_t &exp)


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const bi_t &x)
 Outputs the base-10 (decimal) representation of a bi_t object to a standard output stream.
bool operator== (double lhs, const bi_t &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (double lhs, const bi_t &rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (double lhs, const bi_t &rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (double lhs, const bi_t &rhs) noexcept
bool operator> (double lhs, const bi_t &rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (double lhs, const bi_t &rhs) noexcept

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

void swap (bi_t &a, bi_t &b) noexcept
 Swap the contents of a with b.
bi_t operator""_bi (const char *s)
 User-defined literal (UDL) operator for creating bi_t objects.
bi_t abs (const bi_t &value)
 Return a new integer representing the absolute value of the argument integer.

Detailed Description

Arbitrary-precision integer type and related functions.

An instance of bi_t represents an arbitrary precision integer.

The implementation has several design goals, including, but not limited to:

  1. Memory safety, through the use of smart pointers or standard library containers.
  2. Strong exception safety. Some operations may throw, but if they do, original values should remain intact.
std::bad_allocThrows in case of memory allocation failure.
bi::overflow_errorThrows if an operation expects the result to require a digit vector with size() exceeding max_size(). See internals below.
bi::division_by_zeroThrows if a division by zero attempt is detected.
bi::from_floatThrows when attempting to convert a NaN or infinity to a bi_t.
std::invalid_argumentThrows in a string constructor if an invalid string or argument is provided.

The custom exception classes derive from std::runtime_error. To catch and handle these specific exceptions, #include the "bi_exceptions.hpp" header (in addition to "bi.hpp").


The representation of a bi_t consists of a digit vector and a boolean indicating if the integer is negative. The integer is represented internally as a base \( 2^{n} \) integer where \( n \) is typically 32 bits. An element of the digit vector, i.e. a digit, is typically a uint32_t. The digit vector stores the magnitude of the integer, with least significant digits first. Counts of bits are represented by the bi_bitcount_t type, which is an unsigned long. Counts of bytes for dynamically allocated memory expects a size_t type. Thus, the digit vector is theoretically constrained to be less than or equal to SIZE_MAX / sizeof(digit). Additionally, because counts of bits use the unsigned long type, we also constrain the maximum size of the vector to be less than or equal to ULONG_MAX / (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(digit)), where the denominator is the number of bits in the digit data type (typically 32). Together, these constraints determine max_size() for the internal digit vector. An operation that expects a result to exceed max_size() throws bi::overflow_error.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ bi_t()

bi::bi_t::bi_t ( )

Default constructor. The integer is initialized to zero and no memory allocation occurs.


Member Function Documentation

◆ capacity()

size_t bi::bi_t::capacity ( ) const

Return the number of digits the allocated storage can hold.


◆ digits()

std::span< const digit > bi::bi_t::digits ( ) const

Return a read-only span of the digits stored in the internal digit vector, with least significant digits first. If the integer is zero, an empty span is returned.

Modifying the integer after the span is returned may invalidate the span.

◆ div()

std::pair< bi_t, bi_t > bi::bi_t::div ( const bi_t & other) const

Computes both the quotient and remainder of division of this bi_t object by another bi_t object and returns both the quotient and the remainder as a pair.

otherThe divisor.
A pair of bi_t objects where the first element is the quotient and the second element is the remainder.
\( O(m \cdot n) \) where \( m \) is the size() of the dividend and \( n \) is the size() of the divisor.

◆ even()

bool bi::bi_t::even ( ) const

Return true if this integer is even, false otherwise.


◆ negate()

void bi::bi_t::negate ( )

Negates the integer in place.


◆ negative()

bool bi::bi_t::negative ( ) const

Return true if the integer is (strictly) negative, false otherwise.


◆ odd()

bool bi::bi_t::odd ( ) const

Return true if this integer is odd, false otherwise.


◆ operator bool()

bi::bi_t::operator bool ( ) const

true if and only if this integer is nonzero.


bi_t x;
if (x) {
std::cout << "x is nonzero!" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "x is zero!" << std::endl;

The output is

x is zero!

◆ operator T()

template<std::integral T>
bi::bi_t::operator T ( ) const

Converts a bi_t object to an integral type T.

As with the C++20 Standard (7.3.8, p. 93):

‍[T]he result is the unique value of the destination type that is congruent to the source integer modulo \( 2^{N} \), where \( N \) is the width of the destination type.

◆ operator!=()

bool bi::bi_t::operator!= ( double other) const

◆ operator%()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator% ( const bi_t & other) const
\( O(m \cdot n) \)

◆ operator%=()

bi_t & bi::bi_t::operator%= ( const bi_t & other)
\( O(m \cdot n) \)

◆ operator&()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator& ( const bi_t & other) const

Mathematically, given two integers \( x, y \) with coefficients \( x_{i}, y_{i} \) of their binary representation, the result of \( x \; \& \; y \) (bitwise AND) is an integer \( r \) with base-2 coefficients \( r_{i} \) such that

\[ r_{i} = 1 \Longleftrightarrow x_{i} = 1 \wedge y_{i} = 1 \]

◆ operator*()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator* ( const bi_t & other) const
\( O(n^{\log_{2}(3)}) \approx O(n^{1.58}) \)

◆ operator*=()

bi_t & bi::bi_t::operator*= ( const bi_t & other)
\( O(n^{\log_{2}(3)}) \approx O(n^{1.58}) \)

◆ operator+()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator+ ( const bi_t & other) const
\( O(n) \)

◆ operator+=()

bi_t & bi::bi_t::operator+= ( const bi_t & other)
\( O(n) \)

◆ operator-()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator- ( const bi_t & other) const
\( O(n) \)

◆ operator-=()

bi_t & bi::bi_t::operator-= ( const bi_t & other)
\( O(n) \)

◆ operator/()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator/ ( const bi_t & other) const
\( O(m \cdot n) \)

◆ operator/=()

bi_t & bi::bi_t::operator/= ( const bi_t & other)
\( O(m \cdot n) \)

◆ operator<()

bool bi::bi_t::operator< ( double other) const

◆ operator<<()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator<< ( bi_bitcount_t shift) const

Return a new integer representing the integer left-shifted shift bit positions with vacated bits zero-filled.

Mathematically, the value of the resulting integer is

\[ x \times 2^{\text{shift}} \]

where \( x \) is the big integer.

◆ operator<=()

bool bi::bi_t::operator<= ( double other) const

◆ operator==()

bool bi::bi_t::operator== ( double other) const

◆ operator>()

bool bi::bi_t::operator> ( double other) const

◆ operator>=()

bool bi::bi_t::operator>= ( double other) const

◆ operator>>()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator>> ( bi_bitcount_t shift) const

Return a new integer representing the integer right-shifted shift bit positions. This is an arithmetic right shift with sign extension.

Mathematically, the value of the resulting integer is \( \frac{x}{2^{\text{shift}}} \), rounded down:

\[ \left\lfloor \frac{x}{2^{\text{shift}}} \right\rfloor \]

where \( x \) is the big integer.

◆ operator^()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator^ ( const bi_t & other) const

Mathematically, given two integers \( x, y \) with coefficients \( x_{i}, y_{i} \) of their binary representation, the result of \( x \; ^\wedge \; y \) (bitwise exclusive OR) is an integer \( r \) with base-2 coefficients \( r_{i} \) such that

\[ r_{i} = 1 \Longleftrightarrow (x_{i} = 1 \wedge y_{i} = 0) \lor (x_{i} = 0 \wedge y_{i} = 1) \]

◆ operator|()

bi_t bi::bi_t::operator| ( const bi_t & other) const

Mathematically, given two integers \( x, y \) with coefficients \( x_{i}, y_{i} \) of their binary representation, the result of \( x \; | \; y \) (bitwise inclusive OR) is an integer \( r \) with base-2 coefficients \( r_{i} \) such that

\[ r_{i} = 1 \Longleftrightarrow x_{i} = 1 \lor y_{i} = 1 \]

◆ print_internal()

void bi::bi_t::print_internal ( std::ostream & os = std::cout) const

Prints the integer in the form

(d_p * 2**(bi_dbits * p) + ... + d_0 * 2**(bi_dbits * 0))

followed by a newline. Outputs to the specified std::ostream or to standard output (std::cout) by default. If the integer is negative, the output will be preceded by a minus sign (-). bi_dbits is typically 32.

Useful for understanding the internal representation of the integer.

osThe output stream to which the internal representation is printed. If not specified, defaults to standard output (std::cout).

◆ sign()

int bi::bi_t::sign ( ) const

Return an int indicating the sign of the number: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, 1 for positive.


◆ size()

size_t bi::bi_t::size ( ) const

Return the number of digits used. Instance represents 0 iff size() == 0.


◆ swap()

void bi::bi_t::swap ( bi_t & other)

Swap the contents of this bi_t object with another bi_t object.


◆ to_string()

std::string bi::bi_t::to_string ( int base = 10) const

Return a string containing the base-base representation of the integer, where base must be an integer in \( [2, 36] \) (by default, base is 10).


bi_t x;
std::string s = x.to_string(); // s == "0"
x = 65535;
s = x.to_string(); // s == "65535"
x = -32768;
s = x.to_string(); // s == "-32768"
std::string to_string(int base=10) const
Return a string containing the base-base representation of the integer, where base must be an integer...
Definition bi.cpp:895

◆ within()

template<std::integral T>
bool bi::bi_t::within ( ) const

Return true if this integer fits in an integral type T, false otherwise.

For bi_t object x and integral type T, x.within<T>() evaluates to

x >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() && x <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max()


bi_t x = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
bool fits_in_int32 = x.within<int32_t>(); // true
bool fits_in_int16 = x.within<int16_t>(); // false
bool within() const noexcept
Return true if this integer fits in an integral type T, false otherwise.
Definition bi.cpp:983

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator""_bi()

bi_t operator""_bi ( const char * s)

User-defined literal (UDL) operator for creating bi_t objects.



// Equivalent to bi_t fib{"123581321345589144"};
bi_t fib = 123581321345589144_bi;

◆ operator<<

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const bi_t & x )

Outputs the base-10 (decimal) representation of a bi_t object to a standard output stream.

This overload of the stream insertion operator allows instances of bi_t to be sent to standard output streams like std::cout. The bi_t object is converted to a string via to_string() before being output.

osThe output stream to which the data is sent.
xThe bi_t object to be output.
A reference to the output stream, to support chaining of << operators.

◆ swap()

void swap ( bi_t & a,
bi_t & b )

Swap the contents of a with b.
